Manuscript submission

Manuscripts for NES should be submitted online at Manuscript submission system. The correspondent author who is submitting the article is responsible for the manuscript throughout the submission and review process. The correspondent author must ensure that all co-authors are correctly written on the list of authors (please read the Authorship section) and that all have read and approved the submitted version of the article.



To submit your article to NES:


  1. Register on the NES journal website

  2. Prepare various separable files of your manuscript and submit them in this order in the Manuscript submission system (all files marked with are mandatory):


  • Cover Letter
  • Title Page (with author details) 
  • Manuscript (includes abstract, key word sand main text, without author details) 
  •    Table (as appropriate; upload each table separately, e.g.: Table 1, Table 2, etc.)
  •    Figure (as appropriate; upload each figure separately, e.g.: Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.)
  •    Video (as appropriate; upload each video separately)
  •    Supplementary Material (as appropriate, e.g.: 
    • copy of statement of informed consent and institutional review board approval;
    • signed approval of the author of the original version of the instrument;
    • professional language editing certificate
  •    Response to reviewers (as appropriate, without author details)


The Manuscript File size should not exceed 150MB. The total size of your submission files must not exceed 700MB.

Please follow all instructions and steps when submitting an article using the online Manuscript submission system.